Tudor Galleries prides itself in handling selected works only of the highest standard by many acclaimed East Anglian and National artists.
Arthur E Davies RBA, RCA (1893 - 1988)
Kenneth Denton RSMA, ISMP, FRSA
Charles Arthur Hannaford RBA (1887 - 1972)
Charles Harmony Harrison (1842 - 1902)
Campbell Archibald Mellon ROI, RBA (1876 - 1955)
Clive Madgwick RBA UA (1934 - 2005)
Frederick James Marjoram (deceased)
Leslie L H Moore (1907 - 1997)
Max Mueller (deceased) - Exhibited Norfolk & Norwich Art Circle 1968-1980
Stanley Miller - Exhibited Norfolk & Norwich Art Circle 1956-1974
Leonard W Pilgrim - Exhibited Norfolk & Norwich Art Circle 1949-1954
Charles Mayes Wigg (1889 - 1969)
Geoffrey W Wilson (1920 - 2010)
William Robert Weyer - Exhibted Norfolk & Norwich Art Circle 1896